Think about it for a moment — how useful is it or will it be to have a practical guide to cleaning your bathroom?

Realistically, there is not a right or wrong way to clean. There is not a book that can tell you how to clean your house.

Nevertheless, for some people, cleaning is therapeutic. I can relate because for me, cleaning is a form of self-care and therapy. I do have days when I don’t feel like cleaning just like anyone else. But, when I do clean, I’m meticulously particular to the point that I don’t want anyone to help me, not even our cordless vacuum. I listen to my music, I get in a zone, and my focus helps me get cleaning done in a relatively short period of time.

Not only that, my type A and introverted personality doesn’t lend itself to a messy or disorganized house, especially an unclean bathroom. Because of that, I’m particular about the products I use!

The guest bathroom has the feel and ambience of a luxury hotel and I want it to stay that way. And, it does not require as much cleaning because it is not used as often. But, the counter is cleaned daily to prevent dust buildup and the floor is swept every Saturday. In the event we are too lazy to go to our individual bathrooms, we use Clorox Scentiva Disinfecting Wipes Tuscan Lavender & Jasmine scent to clean the toilet seat after each use.

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When I clean the guest bathroom I always use these products and this process:

The master bathroom gets the same love as the guest bathroom but also gets more usage than the guest bathroom, for obvious reasons.

Because my husband and I clean the bathroom regularly – sweep, wipe down counters, and clean the sink nightly after brushing – the deep cleaning process does not take long.

cleaning products

We use the following process and products to clean the master bathroom:

  • spray the tub AND shower with Meyer’s Clean Tub and Tile and let it sit until it’s time to clean (make sure to get ALL corners where mold can reside)
  • clear my counters (I have a tendency to put papers, my purse, etc. there and leave it until at least the weekend.
  • use a terry cloth to wipe the counter clean and brush any debris to the floor
  • use Dawn dishwashing liquid and a terry cloth, clean the counter (cold water), faucets, then the sink (hot water)
  • spray the counter with Meyer’s Clean Day Multi-Surface Everyday Cleaner and wipe clean with a paper towel
  • spray mirrors with Method Glass + Surface cleaner and clean with a paper towel (my preference) or old paper
  • use cold water to rinse away the Meyer’s Clean Tub and Tile from the shower
  • clean shower with Dawn Dishwashing liquid, rinse, and let air dry with shower door open
  • spray the glass shower door with Method Glass + Surface cleaner
  • tub – rinse away the Meyer’s Clean Tub and Tile with cold water
  • clean tub with Dawn dishwashing liquid, dry with a terry cloth or let air dry
  • clean the toilet area with scented Clorox wipes (I save this for last for obvious reasons)
  • sweep the floor and I’m done

We dream of having a clean house — but who dreams of actually doing the cleaning?

marcus buckingham

There’s NOTHING like the feel and smell of a clean house!

Thankfully, all my children are old enough to keep their room “my kind of clean” and we all keep the kitchen and family room clean.

No matter how hard I try and how much I wish – my house IS NOT clean everyday and I don’t expect it to be. Who’s house is? But when it’s clean, its clean!

Are you particular about your cleaning process? Talk to me in the comments.

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  1. I definitely can agree can’t stand a dirty house. I’m here refreshing certain areas in my home that I can and also spring cleaning/ getting rid of the clutter. Also nice time to bound but I will admit can sometimes be overwhelming with the day to day and everyone be in the house 24/7

    1. Thank you for the compliment. The one thing I love about a clean home is the smell and not cleaning product smells as relaxing and refreshing as Mrs. Meyers.

  2. Ok girl, give the people the steps lol! But seriously, this can be helpful to so many people. We have definitely been cleaning a lot more frequently. Thanks for sharing!

    1. My children think I’m crazy when it comes to cleaning. They always want to help but I’m like, “No, I got it.” Cleaning gives me so much peace because the finished result allows me to relax. Thank you for reading.

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