*Disclosure: I only recommend products I use and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post contains affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

Having a consistent skincare routine should start at an early age. I started when I was in high school and used a variety of products until realizing that Burt’s Bees is the best for my skin. Not only that but they are the #1 dermatologist recommended natural skincare brand formulated with the best ingredients from nature to nurture your skin. 

As a mom, it’s important to me that my children develop a skincare routine now so that it becomes a habit in their adult life. We’ve all heard that it takes 21-28 days to form a habit so starting them young is going to help them later. Knowing my children are watching me, I am setting the example for them to follow. Burt’s Bees has smoothed, refreshed, and nourished my skin and because of that, my daughter uses it too.

1. confidence booster

When you look good, you feel good! That’s the quote we’ve all heard. Confidence is part of our personality. Either we are confident or we’re not and sometimes, for women, confidence begins to disappear as we get older. The first time we see a gray hair, wrinkles or dark circles, we realize we are getting older.

If wearing make-up boosts confidence, imagine the power of a consistent skincare routine. The power of being able to only wear makeup for special occasions because you have a consistent skincare routine — that’s a confidence booster!

I love looking in the mirror and seeing my skin after I’ve washed my face. That’s one reason I like using Burt’s Bees.

2. healthy skincare

I know I’m aging. I can see it when I look at pictures. But, because of the ingredients in Burt’s Bees — beeswax and bakuchiol which is a natural retinol alternative that’s gentle on the skin — I can see the difference in my skin from when I didn’t have a consistent skin care routine to now. I’ve been using Burt’s Bees since 2018. The biggest difference, other than the consistency, has been cleansing my face in the morning with more than just a warm watered towel.

My life gets busy but never too busy for my skin routine. When I shower, I lather my face with Burt’s Bees Renewal Refining Cleanser and let it do it’s magic. Once I’m done with my shower, I wash it off, refresh with Micellar 3 in 1 Facial Towelettes with Rose Water, and then follow up with Rose Micellar Toning Water. Before applying my moisturizer, I use Dark Spot Corrector Renewal and in the morning I use Renewal Firming Moisturizing Cream and at night I use the Truly Glowing Night Cream.

For as much time as we spend cleaning our body we can’t forget about our face and neck. When people look at us, our face is their first impression. We won’t be forever young but we can take care of our skin with a consistent skin care routine to ensure that our facial fine lines and wrinkles are just as healthy as the rest of our face.

My routine is my “safe space” to focus on me. This video shows how I started but now my process is different.

consistent skin care routine

3. power of self-care & Skin care

Taking care of yourself is important and having a consistent skincare routine improves the quality of your skin. Life get’s busy and we make excuses for not enjoying the simple pleasures in life. A consistent skincare routine should not be optional.

Caring for your face is much like taking a daily bath or shower. After a long day, you want to relax in the tub or feel the rain-like feeling of the water from the shower. Not taking time for facial self care means you’re not taking advantage of the full body self care experience.

One way to ensure you are taking time to indulge in the full power of self-care is to keep your face wash in the shower. Before cleaning your body, cover your face in your favorite face wash and let it stay until you’re done taking a shower. The same process can be used when taking a bath.

For me, my self care routine distresses me before and after work.

There is power in self care because it rejuvenates your mind and body.

You only have one YOU so do the best you can in taking care of your body and your face. You’ll notice the more consistent you are, your moods will be calmer, no matter what happens throughout your day. Self care, consistently, will change your life.

At least, that has been my experience.

xoxo, Natashia

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