Fear has a curious way of gripping us, like an invisible force that can leave us trembling with uncertainty. I vividly recall a moment in my life when fear took center stage — it was when I was preparing to book a flight for the very first time.

The anticipation as I awaited that confirmation email was accompanied by a knot of anxiety in my stomach. The idea of entrusting my safety to an airline and an airplane felt like an enormous leap of faith.

Shaken Confidence

To make matters worse, just a few days before my trip, there was a tragic plane crash involving the same airline I was about to fly. The news of it shook me to the core, and my mind immediately raced with thoughts of safety and uncertainty. Questions like “What if that happens to my flight?” and “Am I putting myself at risk by flying with this airline?” started swirling in my head, fueling my fear and anxiety.

I couldn’t help but replay the images and stories of the crash over and over in my mind. The thought of boarding a plane and entrusting my life to complete strangers became increasingly intimidating. Every rational thought I had was overshadowed by the overwhelming fear that had gripped me.

Feeling trapped between the desire to follow my dreams and the fear that threatened to paralyze me, I decided to dig deeper into my emotions. I asked myself why I was so afraid. Was it a fear of death, a fear of losing control, or simply a fear of the unknown? As I explored my feelings, I realized that my fear extended beyond just the plane crash; it was a manifestation of my fear of the unpredictable.


Seeking Reassurance: Turning to Loved Ones

In that moment of fear, I reached out to my husband (who was my boyfriend at the time) seeking reassurance. I needed him to tell me everything would be alright. Looking back, I realized I should have turned to prayer, but in the midst of my nervousness, it slipped my mind.

Heart-Racing Moment

Finally, the day of the flight arrived. The boarding announcements echoed through the airport, and with each call, my heart raced a little faster. It felt like a never-ending wait. But eventually, it was my turn to board. As I made my way down the ramp and settled into my seat, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, replaying the comforting words my boyfriend had spoken to me.


Choosing Prayer

Then, a thought struck me. Instead of letting fear consume me, I needed to turn to prayer. It should have been my first instinct. So I turned to the person sitting next to me, and with a trembling voice, I asked if she would pray with me. She responded with a warm smile and gently placed her hand on mine, offering her support. It was a powerful reminder that God is always with us, even in our moments of fear.

A Fellow Traveler’s Support

As we prayed together, I felt a sense of peace washing over me. The plane took off, and my seat companion and I began chatting like old friends. It was a beautiful reminder that in times of fear, we must seek God’s guidance and ask Him for protection. He can give us the peace and security we need to overcome our fears, reminding us that fear is often just a creation of our imagination.

Have you ever had a similar experience? How did you overcome your fear?

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